Profile Picture

Oh hi there! I'm Alfred, a recent computer
science graduate at UC Santa Cruz.

I love to create fun and interactive things through software, with
a particular interest in computer graphics, data visualization, and
game development. In my spare time, I'm actively involved with the esports
community and enjoy just sitting down and chatting with friends.
You can see more of what I do below or on my resume!


Below are some of my favorite projects. You can go to the project pages of each to learn more about their implementation, check out live demos, and see the actual code for each project.

Prop 6 Project

Prop 6 Data Visualization

Mar. 2019

A visualization made to analyze the causes and results of California's Proposition 6 of the 2018 midterm elections. Utilizes Javascript and D3.js to implement an interactive map + bar chart that displays the results for selected counties.

Cityscapes Project


Dec. 2019

A procedurally generated city, implemented using P5.js and chroma.js. Utilizes generative methods with varying scales of Perlin noise to create a somewhat continuous and connected city.

Memory Cards Project

Vocabulary Memory Cards

April 2020

Made for a class of 30 elementary school kids to learn Chinese vocabulary words during the remote learning period caused by Covid. Implemented using pure Javascript and hosted on Glitch. Features an interactive memory cards game with different lessons of vocabulary, along with a timer and attempts tracker to compare scores with others.

LoL Esports Stat Visualization

Dec. 2019

A group project applying Agile and Scrum methodologies to create a visualization of League of Legends Esports statistics. Learned React framework with Bootstrap and D3.js for the frontend. Learned some Flask and MongoDB to interact with the backend.

UE4 Particle Cannon

Mar. 2020

Using Unreal Engine, our team of 3 recreated Zarya's Particle Cannon effects from Overwatch. We learned UE4's Blueprints and Niagara particle editor to recreate the explosion and laser effects.

WebGL Interactive Game

Mar. 2018

As the final project for Intro to Computer Graphics, I created a short interactive game using WebGL and Javascript. Though one of my less polished projects, it is one of my favorites as well earliests, being my first encounter with both Javascript and WebGL, and so I leave it here with fond memories. I implemented fog, collision detection, multiple camera POVs, and click selection.


Here are my previous experiences with jobs and leadership.

Slug Gaming

Throughout my time at UCSC, I've been involved heavily with the gaming and esports community on campus. Starting out as a marketing officer, then vice president of events, and now as president for the 2019-20 school year, I manage our team of over 20 officers, competitive esports teams, and sponsor and school relations. We host regular community events and participate in tournaments, catering to the casual, competitive, and professional scenes.

TA / Tutor / Grader

At Santa Cruz, I've been a TA for CSE160 (Intro to Computer Graphics), holding individual office hours for students that needed help with code or tests. I have also been a Tutor and Grader for CMPM80K (Foundations of Video Game Design), and a grader for CMPM146 (Game AI), where I worked with the TAs to support students with coding assignments as well as grade assignments.

iD Tech Instructor

I was an instructor at a summer coding camp, teaching Lua scripting in Roblox and Java programming for simple applications.

About Me

Beyond software development, I love to travel and explore new places (especially with friends and family). The above image is a beach in Hualien, Taiwan, one of my favorite places to go. I also enjoy playing games - Starcraft II, Maplestory, Jackbox, and League of Legends are some of my favorites. My dream is to someday make my own large-scale multiplayer games as well.


Feel free to contact me at My LinkedIn and Github accounts are also available through the icons below. I'm actively looking for projects to work on and people to collaborate with, so please do reach out with any questions or interests! Thanks!